
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Late Harvest Sweet Chardonnay

Hello my fellow wine lovers!  Over the weekend I stopped into the Liquor Barn in Lexington to pick up my favorite beer cheese, and I decided to walk around to see what they had new in their store.  I was not looking for anything particular; especially since I feel I should be supporting the place I work as a wine hostess.  Though I like to try things we don't carry in hopes that if it is good we will likely try and find away to carry it.  Needless to say I was looking at the white wines since we are starting to get into the warmer weather and I like my wine a little lighter in the summer.  I found something that caught my eye, it was this very spring looking bottle and I was surprised to see it said Late Harvest and Chardonnay.  I have seen many different brands of Chardonnay and have tasted many different ones over the years; however, I had never seen a Late Harvest Chardonnay.

This Chardonnay is made by Bodega Norton in Mendoza - Argentina and is called Sweet Chardonnay Late Harvest Series 2012. While reading the Label and saw that it was from the Mendoza region of Argentina I was kind of excited to try another wine from that region.  The last wine that I had tried from that region was the Bodega Elena 2010 Chardonnay, and it was a very good Chardonnay very rich and creamy with a nice finish. Since the label of the Bodega Norton Sweet Chardonnay had caught my eye and I noticed it was only a $10.00 bottle I just had to have it and try it.  Now it was time to research my wine to give my faithful readers some background to the wine.

Mendoza Argentina is at the foothills of the Andes mountain range.  The climate of the area is very nice in that it is mostly warm with lots of hours of sunlight.  It has a more Mediterranean characteristic making it a great place for the Chardonnay grape to flourish. The winemaker Jorge Riccitelli was awarded as "WineMaker of the year 2012" by the prestigious wine magazine Wine Enthusiast.

The sweet Chardonnay is not as sweet as I thought it was going to be.  This is very different than your normal Chardonnay.  It does not have that creamy, buttery flavor that most Chardonnay's have.  The Norton Sweet Chardonnay has citrusy and floral nose, with a natural sweetness that is well balanced.  On the palate you can taste notes of green apple, peach and I believe some pear.  The wine finishes with crisp soft floral flavor.  This wine reminds me of a Savuignon Blanc or a nice white blend.  You can pair this wine with a light salad, which is perfect for the hot summer, chicken, fresh fruit or for a special Sunday brunch.  It is best to serve this wine chilled

Look for this wine in your local wine shop!  For all you in Lexington, KY I know you can find this wine at the Liquor Barn.

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